March 10-11: Kahu Rd drinkies, SCA tourney, toga party

Drinkies, Kahu Road, Friday 10 March 2000

Civilised nibbles. Clockwise from left: whiskey cheddar, real Brie, herb and garlic chevre, bleu d'Auvergne, taleggio
Early arrivals: Danny, Matthew, Vernon, Mary Ann
Bear and Bob
John, Traci, Danny, ?, Brendon, Matthew, Beast, ?, Charlene, Cat, Wombat (obscured)
Aaron, Zane, Charlotte, Schmoo, Glenn
Charlotte?, Cat, Traci, Leon (foreground), John, Charlene, ?, ?, ?

SCA tourney, Riccarton Bush, Saturday 11 March 2000

Vitale vs Richard. Rowena and Heloise marshalling.
Front: ?, Michelet, Leonie
Back: Myfanwy, ?, Emma, Aliena
Tycho and Dieter about to take the field
Background: Ulfric, Sigurd, Chrettienne, Callum?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Rowena
Beware of the camera... Minna, ?, Emma, Aliena
Artists at work: Dieter and Rowena

Toga party, Greers Road, 11 March 2000

Togas come in many colours... Adam, Simeon, Sebastian, Lisa, ? (obscured), Dave, Dillon
Grim drinker. Todd, Mike
Those men aren't wearing togas. Nick?, Simeon, Dillon, John, Daniel (obscured), Schmoo? (obscured)
Cameras everywhere today. Sean, ?, Shoei, John
Dillon and Penny
Dancers: ? (foreground), Andrew, Claire, ?, Hamish, Lisa, Pip, Philippe?, Karen, Adam, Kara, Dan, ?, Simeon, ?
A man of strange tastes: Danny
Mahatma Goldi and Charlene
Old customs return: Pip?, Daniel, Sean?
OK, is this a good picture? Vanessa, Hamish
The silver senator: Daniel, ?, Dave, ?, Josh, Dillon, ?, ?, Charlene?, Nick?, ?, ?
Ave! Anthony, Tony, Trond
Waiting for the speeches.
Standing: ?, Darcy, Chris?, ?, ?, Teri?, Sabrina, ?, Michael, ?, ?, ?, Anthony, ?, ?, ?, ?, Hooch, Nick, ?, Lisa, ?, Tony
Sitting: Angela, Robert, ?, Sean, Traci (obscured)
What are they up to? Zane, ?, ?
... Something odd! ?, ?, ?, Zane, ?, Daniel, Simeon, Troy, Dillon
But the crowd seem amused... Claire, Gold, Sabrina?, ?, ?, ?, Beast, Spud, Danny (foreground), ?, Ricki?, Aaron?, Darcy, ?, ?
Background: Mike, Andrew, ?, Philippe?, Picasso?, Andi, Craig, Pretzel, Leonie
Foreground: ?, Sean?, Lubie, Pip
And I was there too...

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